Esdar Conference 2015

Scientific Programme of the ESDAR Conference 2015

Thursday, September 17th

8:00-18:00 Registration

14:00-17:00 ESDAR Board Meeting (Corella Hall, Flamingo Grand Hotel)

16:00-18:00 Plenary Session of Balkan Network for Biotechnology in Animal Reproduction
(Flamingo Grand Hall, Flamingo Grand Hotel)

16:00-16:10 Welcome address by the Chairman of the Balkan Network Scientific Committee,
D.Kacheva, Chaires: T.Dovenski, G.Michailidis


Biotechnology in animal reproduction in the Balkan region –indigenous and
endangered breeds:ruminants

16:10-16:25 Ex situ conservation of indigenous Pramenka sheep in Macedonia using assisted

reproductive technologies. T. Dovenski, Macedonia

16:25-16:40 Important security mechanisms for creation and maintenance of gene preservation in
autochthonic breeds. Janko Mrkun, Slovenia

16:40-16:55 The use of prostaglandins in combination with het male effect in the breeding season for
inducing and synchronizing estrus in Carpathian goats, S. Zamfiresku, Romania

16:55-17:05 Questions


Biotechnology in animal reproduction in the Balkan region – indigenous and
endangered breeds: non-ruminants

17:05 -17:20 Measures of in-situ protection, reintroduction and reproductive parameters of indigenous

pig breeds in Republic of Serbia. C.Radovic, Serbia

17:20-17:35 Reproductive strategies for conservation of the autochthonous black pig breed in Greece.

G. Michailidis, Greece

17:35- 17:50 Enhancement of reproduction in the East Balkan pig breed reared under natural
conditions. Y.Marchev, Bulgaria

17:50-18:00 Questions


18:00 – 19:30 Welcome reception of ESDAR (Flamingo Grand Hotel, at the swimming pool)


Friday, September 18th

8:45-10:50 Opening and plenary session I, chaired by Mark Crowe (Dobrudja Hall, Dobrudja Hotel)

8:45- 9:30 Opening session

Mark Crowe, President of ESDAR

Dimitrina Kacheva, Chair of the Local Organizing Committee

Deputy of the Ministry of Agriculture (20. min)


9:30-10:10 Keynote lecture 1: Transport, distribution and elimination of sperm following natural mating

and insemination. Sabine Koelle, Ireland

10:10-10:50 Keynote lecture 2: Sperm membrane behavior during cooling and cryopreservation.

Harald Sieme, Germany


10:50-11:10 Gold sponsor presentation: Microptic

Quantification of sperm quality by computer aided sperm analysis and sperm functionality
in domestic animals using the Sperm Class Analyzer. Gerhard van der Horst, South Africa
(Dobrudja Hall, Dobrudja Hotel)


11:10-11:30 Coffee break and visit to the exhibition (Congress lobby, Dobrudja Hotel)


11.30-12:30 Oral communications 1- 4

Oral communications session 1: chaired by Harald Sieme (Germany)
Dobrudja Hall, Dobrudja Hotel)

OC 1.1. Effects of BME on Anatolian shepherd (Kangal) dog sperm freezing

S Güngor Mehmet, Akif Ersoy University, Turkey


OC 1.2. Acrosome status and viability assessment of post-thaw bull sperm using

DRAQ5 as a debris discriminator

E. Taberner, University of Pennsylvania, US


OC 1.3. Effect of seminal extenders on fertilizing capacity of the cryopreserved

Arabian horse semen

K. Al-Khali, Royal Oman Police, Oman


OC 1.4. Exogenous hyaluronan does not improve cryosurvival of boar spermatozoa

M. Alvarez-Rodriguez, Linköping University, Sweden

Oral communications session 2: chaired by Carlo Tamanini (Italy)
(Atlantic Hall, Dobrudja Hotel)

OC 2.1. Factors affecting success of embryo collection in Holstein donors

D. Nemeckova, Czech University of Life Sciences, CZ


OC 2.2. Effect of culture system for the production of free radicals during in vitro

maturation of oocytes from bitches at anestrus: Pilot study

E. Buttler, UNESP, Brazil


OC 2.3. Sublethal hydrostatic pressure treatment increases the cryotolerance of

in vitro produced bovine embryos

C. Pribenszky, St. Istvan University, Hungary


OC 2.4. Expression of prolactin receptors in the equine antral follicles

and corpus luteum

A. Zagrajczuk, University of Krakow, Poland

Oral communications session 3: chaired by Graça Ferreira Dias (Portugal)

(Flamingo Grand Hall, Flamingo Grand Hotel)

OC 3.1. Expression of cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART)
in eutopic and ectopic endometrium in mice.
O. Aniolek, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), Poland


OC 3.2. Effect of the gilts body condition on their lifetime reproduction potential

K. Vehovsky, Czech University of Life Sciences, CZ


OC 3.3. The impact of maternal undernutrition on the reproductive axis in the


S. Chadio, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece


OC 3.4. Characterization of the reproductive cycles during breeding and

non-breeding season the Asinina de Miranda breed jennies (Equus asinus):

influence of BCS

M. Quaresma, CECAV- Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal


Oral communications session 4: chaired by Sabine Koelle (Ireland)

(Ara Hall, Flamingo Grand Hotel)

OC 4.1. Expression and localization of Toll-like Receptor 4 in ovine endometrial and

trophoblastic tissues at early pregnancy

M.O. Atli, Dicle University, Turkey


OC 4.2. Hysteroscopic evaluation with Narrow Band Imaging of the endometrial

vessel pattern during the estrous cycle in the mare

H. Otzen, Hannover University, Germany


OC 4.3. Effects of platelet-rich plasma on bovine endometrial-derived cells:

in vitro studies

A. Lange-Consiglio, Milano University, Italy


OC 4.4. Reduced connexin43 gap junctions in uterus during adenomyosis in cow

A. Korzekwa, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland


12:30-14:00 Lunch break (lunch at the respective hotel of accommodation)

12:30-13:10 ECAR Annual Business Meeting (Jako Hall, Flamingo Grand Hotel)

12:30-13:20 Lunch meeting of ESDAR Country Representatives
(Corella Hall, Flamingo Grand Hotel)


14:00-15:30 Poster session 1 (Congress lobby, Dobrudja Hotel)


15:15-15:35 Gold sponsor presentation: Minitube
New products and research at Minitube, Anna Kassens (Dobrudja Hall, Dobrudja Hotel)


15:35-16:00 Coffee break and visit to the exhibition (Congress lobby, Dobrudja Hotel)


16:00-17:30 Parallel Workshops 1-5

WS 1. Uterine inflammation (Dobrudja Hall, Dobrudja Hotel)

Luisa Mateus, Lisbon, Portugal

Canine pyometra: uterine innate immune response and Escherichia coli determinants of
virulence. Luisa Mateus, Portugal

Epithelial and stromal cells of bovine endometrium have roles in innate immunity and
initiate inflammatory responses to bacterial lipopeptides in vitro via Toll-like receptors
TLR2, TLR1, and TLR6 and damaged cells via IL-1R1. James Cronin, UK

Pathways from mare endometritis to endometrosis. Graça Ferreira-Dias, Portugal


WS 2. Enhancement of animal production by foetal imprinting/epigenetics

Alireza Fazeli (Univ Sheffield) (Atlantic Hall, Dobrudja Hotel)

Enhancement of reproductive medicine and livestock production by epigenetic based
applications. Alireza Fazeli, UK


WS 3. Innovative tools to teach pregnancy and parturition in the horse

Jan Govaere, Gent, Belgium (Flamingo Grand Hall, Flamingo Grand Hotel)

Critical evaluation of work-based learning in equine gynaecology. Jan Govaere, Belgium


WS 4. Fish Reproduction

Ian Mayer, Norway (Ara Hall, Flamingo Grand Hotel)

Fish reproduction: current status and production bottlenecks. Ian Mayer, Norway

Anthropogenic contaminants and fish reproduction. Jan Lyche, Norway


WS 5. New strategies to improve embryo vitrification: the pig and rabbit models

Cristina Cuello, Murcia, Spain (Jako Hall, Flamingo Grand Hotel)

Overview of new developments in pig embryo vitrification Cristina Cuello, Spain

of a cheap embryo vitrification system using the minimum volume method.

Francisco Marco-Jimenez, Spain


19:00 - 23:00 Bulgarian night in Cazino Albena, Albena Resort

Saturday, September 19th

9:00-11:00 Plenary Session II, chair Geert Opsomer (Dobrudja Hall, Dobrudja Hotel)

9:00 - 9:40 Keynote lecture 3: Parturition and parturition problems in cattle and horse.

Jan Govaere, Gent, Belgium

9:40-10:20 Keynote lecture 4: Maternal recognition of pregnancy (different species).

Marta Villani, Utrecht, The Netherlands

10:20-11:00 Keynote lecture 5: Environment and endocrine disruptors and implications

for domestic animals. Ulf Magnusson, Uppsala, Sweden


11:00-11:30 Coffee break and visit to the exhibition (Congress lobby, Dobrudja Hotel)

11:30-12:30 Oral communications 5-8

Oral communications session 5: chaired by Luisa Mateus (Portugal)
(Dobrudja Hall, Dobrudja Hotel)

OC 5.1. Inflammatory mechanisms of the innate immune system seem to play

a minor role in reduced fertility of repeat breeder cows

K. Wagener, Vet.Med. University, Vienna, Austria


OC 5.2. An unusual case of equine fungal endometritis caused by

Cladophialophora bantiana a case report

S. Attia, University of Helsinki, Finland


OC 5.3. Neutrophil extracellular traps, cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases:

players in mare endometrosis?

M. Rebordao, University of Lisbon, Portugal


OC 5.4. Post-partum ultrasound examination of the uterus as diagnostic tool

for birth complications in sows

S. Björkman, University of Helsinki, Finland


Oral communications session 6: chaired by Jan Govaere (Belgium)

(Atlantic Hall, Dobrudja Hotel)

OC 6.1. Artificial organs for training in insemination and early pregnancy

diagnostic in cattle

P. Gillund, Geno Breeding, Norway


OC 6.2. Stress response of veterinary students to gynaecological examination

of horse mares: effects of simulator-based and animal-based training

C. Nagel, University of Vienna, Austria


OC 6.3. Effects of artificial light on coat change, heart rate and semen

quality in Shetland stallions

N. Schrammel, University of Vienna, Austria


OC 6.4 The use of Cloprostenol and hCG in breeding programs of

Norwegian Coldblooded trotter mare

C. Haadem, NMBU, Norway


Oral communications session 7: chaired by Maria Gil (Spain)
(Flamingo Grand Hall, Flamingo Grand Hotel)

OC 7.1. Chromatin compaction, but not DNA fragmentation, is affected by the

breed in refrigerated storage of boar semen

D. Sanchez Paniagua, IBIOMED, Spain


OC 7.2. Storage of highly concentrated stallion semen for 24 hours cooled or

at room temperature J. Handler, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany


OC 7.3. 83 FR Comparison of functional parameters of dog semen frozen after

6 hours of equilibration in three different media

R. Belala, ONIRIS Nantes, France


OC 7.4. Real time qPCR for the assessment of DNA damage and telomere length

in ram spermatozoa cryopreserved in prensence of antioxidants

Dr. Álvarez-Rodríguez, Leon, Spain


Oral communications session 8: chaired by Ulf Magnusson (Sweden)
(Ara Hall, Flamingo Grand Hotel)

OC 8.1. Cow fertility and customer satisfaction after installation of

Heatime® in Swedish dairy farms

R. Bage, Uppsala University, Sweden


OC 8.2. Effects of milk progesterone and activity level on pregnancy rate

in dairy cows using the Ovsynch protocol

H. Kiiver, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia


OC 8.3. Profile of Pregnancy Associated Glycoproteins in bovine plasma

during postpartum period; is it usable for detecting pregnancy loss?

M.S. Kaya, Dicle University, Turkey


OC 8.4. Seasonal changes in prolactin concentrations in primitive

and warmblood mares during the year

K. Swieboda, Uniwersytet Rolniczy, Poland



12:30-13:45 Lunch break (lunch at the respective hotel of accommodation)


12:30-13:15 ESDAR Annual business meeting (Corella Hall, Flamingo Grand Hotel)



13:45-15:15 Poster session 2 (Congress Lobby, Dobrudja Hotel)


15:00-15:20 Gold sponsor presentation: IMV Technologies

Swine semen production without antibiotics
Andrés Felipe González Serrano, Research and Development Department,
IMV Technologies

15:20-15:45 Coffee break and visit to the exhibition (Congress Lobby, Dobrudja Hotel)


15:45-17:15 Parallel workshops 6-10

WS 6. Reproduction in buffalo

Stanimir Yotov, Bulgaria (Dobrudja Hall, Dobrudja Hotel)

Dominant follicles development and estradiol-17b concentrations in non-ovulating
and ovulating postpartum Bulgarian Murrah buffaloe Stanimir Yotov, Bulgaria

Reproductive response of Bulgarian Murrah buffaloes with postpartum anestrus after
progesterone and prostaglandin based treatment during breeding season.
Anatoly Atanasov, Bulgaria


WS 7. Newly identified genes controlling reproductive traits across species

Michael Mullen, Teagasc, Ireland (Atlantic Hall, Dobrudja Hotel)

DNA polymorphisms affecting reproductive traits in livestock Michael Mullen, Ireland

WS 8. Innovative approaches to control reproduction in small animal reproduction

Eline Wydooghe, Gent, Belgium (Flamingo Grand Hall, Flamingo Grand Hotel)

New medication to control small animal reproduction. Eline Wydooghe, Belgium

Clinical applications of Alizin and Superlorin in small animal reproduction.
Feline Snoeck, Belgium


WS 9. Physical environment and reproduction in pigs

Bojko Georgiev, Bulgaria (Ara Hall, Flamingo Grand Hotel)

Correlations between some sperm enzyme activity parameters and boar semen quality.

Bojko Georgiev, Bulgaria

Corpus luteum influences the viability of porcine oocytes after vitrification.
Rosen Stefanov, Bulgaria


WS 10. Advances in donkey reproduction

Manuel Hidalgo, Cordoba, Spain (Jako Hall, Flamingo Grand Hotel)

Advances in donkey reproduction. Manuel Hidalgo, Spain

Assisted reproductive technologies in donkeys. Alessandra Rota, Italy

Post Artificial Insemination endometrial inflammation and its control in donkeys.
Jordi Miro, Spain


17:15 - 17:30 Closure of ESDAR (Dobrudja Hall, Dobrudja Hotel)