ESDAR Conference 2017

ESDAR Conference 2017

Scientific Programme

Download the programme from here:

Thursday 24th August 2017

14:00-17:30 ESDAR Board meeting – Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern

18:00-19:30 Welcome Reception of ESDAR,

Pädagogische Hochschule Bern, Hochschulzentrum von Roll,
Fabrikstrasse 6, CH – 3012 Bern


Friday 25th August 2017

08:15-10:50 Opening and plenary session I. Chair – Gaby Hirsbrunner / Mark Crowe /
Barbara Knutti


08:15-08:30 Opening Session

Mark Crowe, President of ESDAR

Gaby Hirsbrunner, Chair of the Local Organizing Committee

08:30-09:10 Keynote lecture 1:

Mastitis – reduction of antibiotics

(Volker Krömker; University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hannover, Germany).

09:10-09:50 Keynote lecture 2:


(Geert Opsomer; Ghent University, Belgium).


09:50-10:20 Coffee break


10:20-11:00 Keynote lecture 3:

Inflammation and fertility in the mare

(Mette Christoffersen; University of Copenhagen, Denmark).

11:05-12:45 Oral communications YSC (Young scientist competition) Chair - Mark Crowe

5 Min presentation ,1 Min discussion

Y1 Insulin supplementation during in vitro maturation induces changes in morphology

and molecular signature in bovine Day 8 blastocysts (D. Laskowski 27)

Y2 Do we need antibiotics in stallion semen extenders? (Z. Al-Kass 66)

Y3 Fine-tuning sperm DNA fragmentation dynamics over seasons

(C. Quiñones Pérez 192)

Y4 The presence and localization of resistin in the sheep uterus: impact of diets
characterized by different chemical composition. (C. Pirino 231)

Y5 Associations between progesterone level on the day of prostaglandin F2α
administration, increased activity around timed AI and pregnancy rate in Ovsynch
treated Holstein cows (H. Kiiver 256)

Y6 Nitric oxide in boar seminal plasma (I. Barranco 264)

Y7 Pregnancy effect on echocardiographic parameters in Great Dane bitches

(S. Alonge 268)

Y8 Immunohistochemical localization of interleukin 10 in genital tract of fertile boars
(L. Padilla 344)

Y9 Editing MC1R gene in Chinese Luchuan pig using CRISPR/Cas9 (X. Shi 339)

Y10 Involvement of cytoskeleton in mobilization of calcium from intracellular stores of
porcine oocytes stimulated by prolactin (Y. Ussenbekov 72)

Y11 Cryotolerance of fractionally collected canine spermatozoa (D. Gradinarska 98)

Y12 Trans-Rectal Semen Collection and Artificial Insemination in Angora Goat
(K. Tekin 139)

Y13 The dynamic expression patterns and correlation of Tet1 and WNT pathway

genes in early fetal tissues of goat (Y. Zhao 235)

Y14 Sperm morphology differences associated with pig fertility (A. Mandawala 69)

Y15 Variability of equine fetal volume during early pregnancy measured by
three-dimensional transrectal ultrasonography (N. Tzanidakis 226)


12:45-14:00 Lunch break


13:10-14:00 Lunch meeting of the ESDAR Country Representatives


14:00-15:30 Poster session I (odd numbers)


15:30-16:00 Coffee break


16:00-17:30 Parallel workshops 1-5 (WS1 starts 15:45!)

WS 1. Innovations for a better learning in animal reproduction - Christian Hanzen
(Université de Liège, Belgium)

- An E-learning teaching module supports active learning and improves understanding
of the regulation of oestrous cycles of domestic species – Herman Jonker
(Utrecht University, The Netherlands)

- Reproductive endocrinology wet lab – Andres Waldmann (Estonian University of
Life Sciences)

- Using formative assessments when teaching theriogenology in the veterinary curriculum
in Nottingham, UK – Wendela Wapenaar (University of Nottingham, Great Britain)


WS 2. Mastitis - Michèle Bodmer

- Reduction of antimicrobial use in the field of mastitis: the Swss approach –
Michèle Bodmer (University of Bern, Switzerland).

- Successful reduction of antibiotics, the Norwegian way – Olav Østerås
(TINE SA, Norway)


WS 3. Swine reproduction – Johannes Kauffold

- The modern production sow - Challenges ahead! – Johannes Kauffold
(University of Leipzig, Germany)

- Use of real time ultrasound to monitor reproductive health of the hyper prolific sow
around farrowing – Olli Peltoniemi (University of Helsinki, Finland)


WS 4. Assisted reproductive techniques in mares – Carolina Herrera

- Assisted reproduction in the mare: Setting up a successful program – Carolina Herrera
(University of Zurich, Switzerland)

- Success rates in a commercial equine in-vitro embryo production program –
Anthony Claes (Utrecht University , The Netherlands)

- Collection of oocytes from ovaries from deceased mares – Elise Jeannerat
(University of Bern, Switzerland)


WS 5. Immunocontraception in cattle and horses – Gaby Hirsbrunner

- Indications of immunization against GnRH in cattle – Gaby Hirsbrunner
(University of Bern, Switzerland)

- Immunocontraception of horses with the porcine zona pellucida vaccine: effects and
possible mechanisms – Henk Bertschinger (University of Pretoria, South Africa)


17:35-18.15 ESDAR annual business meeting

19:45 BBQ and dancing (Inforama Rütti, Zollikofen)



Saturday 26th August 2017


08:30-09:50 Plenary Session II. Chair - Geert Opsomer

08:30-09:10 Keynote lecture 4:

Gene editing (Björn Petersen; Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Germany).


09:10-09:50 Keynote lecture 5:

Molecular aspects in canine pyometra (Ragnvi Hagman; Swedish University
of Agricultural Sciences).


09:50-10:15 Coffee break


10.15-11:15 Oral communications 1-4


Oral communications session 1 (obstetrics): chaired by Ulrich Bleul

1.1 Are pre-partum plasma progesterone concentrations a valid tool to predict
the onset of parturition in HF dairy cows? (J. Parlevliet et al. -112 -
The Netherlands).

1.2 Treatment efficacy for experimentally induced ascending placentitis in mares
(I. Canisso et al - 26 - US).

1.3 Season effects on equine foetal and neonatal development
(E. Beythien et al – 68 - Germany).

1.4 Dose finding of intravaginal Prostaglandin E2 application in farrowing sows during
parturition (R. Bill et al - 60 - Switzerland).


Oral communications session 2 (andrology): chaired by Primoz Klinc

2.1 Functional status and miRNA profile of cryopreserved bovine sperm
(E. Malama et al. - 278 - Switzerland).

2.2 Anti-Müllerian Hormone profiling in prepubertal stallions with abnormal testicular
development (D. Scarlet et al. -248 - Austria).

2.3 In vivo imaging of horse sperm transit and mobility in the mare genital tract
(E. Caldas et al. - 227 - France).

2.4 Diffusion weighted imaging in canine prostate gland diagnosis with magnetic
resonance imaging (K. Lorenc et al. - 299 - Poland).


Oral communications session 3 (miscellaneous): chaired by Carlo Tamanini

3.1 Cortisol claws concentrations in dogs from birth to 60 days of age
(J. Fusi et al. - 92 - Italy).

3.2 Cell type-specific analysis of the endometrial transcriptome during the period of
recognition of pregnancy in the pig (St. Bauersachs et al. -58 - Switzerland).

3.3 In vitro culture of equine endometrial biopsies as a model for the development of
new uterine treatments (M. Rossi et al. - 15 – Italy).

3.4 Effects of luteotropic factors on nuclear maturation of bovine oocytes during
two-step in vitro culture (I. Lebedeva et al. - 216 – Russia).


Oral communications session 4 (herd health): chaired by Michèle Bodmer

4.1 Inferior quality of follicular fluid of ovulatory follicles: a possible cause of repeat
breeding syndrome in dairy heifers (M. Kafi et al. - 82 - Iran).

4.2 Coagulase-negative staphylococci in the teat canal and in milk in four commercial
Swiss dairy herds (J. Traversari et al. -109 - Switzerland).

4.3 Associations between the calving to first artificial insemination interval and
reproductive performance in Norwegian Red Cattle (N. Fjerdingby et al. -
111 – Norway).

4.4 Comparison of thyroid hormones secretion in cyclic cows and cows with cystic
ovarian follicles (A. Zagrajczuk et al. - 237 – Poland).


11:20-12:50 Parallel Workshops 6-9


WS 6. Eradication of BVD – where are the cruxes? Renée Båge

- The eradication of bovine viral diarrhoea in Sweden – Renée Båge
(Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)

- Swiss BVD eradication program - Christoph Keller (Veterinary Service Canton
Bern, Switzerland)


WS 7. Regulation/maintenance of canine and feline pregnancy -
Sabine Schäfer-Somi

- Regulation/maintenance of canine and feline pregnancy –
Sabine Schäfer-Somi (University of Vienna, Austria).

- Establishment and maintenance of canine pregnancy – Mariusz Kowalewski
(University of Zurich, Switzerland)


WS 8. Assisted biotechnology in females – Sylvie Chastant

- Assisted biotechnology in females: a comparative overview – Sylvie Chastant
(Toulouse National Vet School, France) & Marie Saint-Dizier (Centre INRA, France)


WS 9. Omics technologies – Andrzej Ciereszko

- Proteomic insights into the mechanism of sperm quality – Andrzej Ciereszko (Polish
Academy of Science)

- Metabolome profiling and its relationship to sperm quality - Sean Fair (University of
Limerick, Ireland)


12:50-14:00 Lunch break


14:00-15:30 Poster session II (even numbers)


15:30-15:50 Coffee break


15:50-16:50 Oral communications 5-8

Oral communications session 5 (spermatology): chaired by Ulrich Witschi

5.1 Effects of increasing equilibration time of diluted bovine semen up to 72 hours
before freezing on in vitro and in vivo fertility (E. Murphy et al. -59 - Ireland).

5.2 Agglutination of equine spermatozoa during in vitro capacitation is a

cation-mediated phenomenon (G. Podico et al. - 75 - Italy).

5.3 Post-thaw bull sperm quality in different seasons in Thailand (T. Nongbua et al.

– 128 - Sweden).

5.4 Short-term preservation (4°C) of epididymal spermatozoa obtained through

retrograde flushing in dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius)

(M. Batista-Arteaga et al - 131 - Spain).


Oral communications session 6 (gynaecology): chaired by Graça Ferreira-Dias

6.1 Vaginal discharge following artificial insemination of sows in a multisite sow pool

system (A. Grahofer et al. - 38 - Switzerland).

6.2 Periparturient clinical performance differs between genetically selected cows
(M. Meyerholz et al. -177 – Germany).

6.3 Antibiotic treatment of metritis in dairy cows – a meta-analysis. (P. Haimerl et al.

- 292 - Germany).

6.4 Molecular interactions between 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-P-dioxin (TCDD) and

porcine estrogen receptors (A. Nynca et al. - 133 - Poland).


Oral communications session 7 (behaviour): chaired by Geert Opsomer

7.1 Preovulatory progesterone plays a role for estrus length but not ovulation and
estrus behavior (T. Janowski et al. - 281 - Poland).

7.2 Advancement of puberty in autumn-born goat kids by exposure to sexually
active bucks (M. Chasles et al. -211 - France).

7.3 Transport related stress response in pregnant and postpartum mares (Ch. Nagel -
209 - Austria).

7.4 Evaluation of steroid concentrations in the saliva of pre-pubertal gilts for the
identification of biomarkers of the pubertal stage of maturity (G. Goudet et al. -
17 – France).


Oral communications session 8 (embryology): chaired by Heinrich Bollwein

8.1 Introducing karyomapping to the cattle breeding industry: Use of a comprehensive
preimplantation genetic test to optimise the delivery of superior genetics
(K. Turner et al. - 178 - Great Britain).

8.2 On-farm ovum pick-up in Holstein cows and in vitro production of embryos in Estonia
(A. Kavak et al. -210 - Estonia).

8.3 Embryo recovery and quality of embryos produced with sex-sorted semen from
superovulated dairy heifers (J. Taponen et al. - 166 - Finland).

8.4 Influence of vitrification of zygotes on the morphokinetic parameters of rabbit
embryos: A time-lapse monitoring (TLM) study. (S. Gizinski et al. - 315 - Poland).


17:00-17:30 Award for best scientific presentation / best poster

Closure of ESDAR