2019 Banner

Final Scientific Programme 2019

ESDAR conference 2019

Thursday 19th September 2019

11.00-13.00 Veterinary academy tour to the museum

13.30-15.30 ESDAR Board meeting

15.30-17.00 City bus tour of Saint Petersburg

17.30-18.30 Rivers and canal boat trip Saint Petersburg

20.00-23.00 Welcome reception



Friday 20th September 2019


08.50-09.10 Opening Session


09.10-10.30 Plenary session 1

09.10-09.40 Keynote lecture 1: Glyoxalase 1 expression is downregulated in preimplantation

blastocysts of diabetic rabbits

Anne Navarrete Santos (Germany)

09.40-10.30 Keynote lecture 2: The challenge of large litters on the immune system of the sow

and the piglets

Claudio Oliviero (Finland)


10.30-11.00 Coffee break


11.00-12.00 Oral communications I (for young scientists)

YSC 1 Collagens and DNA methyltransferases in mare endometrosis (J. Alpoim-


YSC 2 Effect of permeable cryoprotectant- free vitrification on DNA fragmentation of

equine oocyte cumulus cells (B. Pereira)

YSC 3 Effect of vaspin on granulosa cells proliferation in Large White pigs, an in vitro

study (P. Kurowska)

YSC 4 Red- light photostimulation increases the rhythm of O2 consumption in

refrigerated boar sperm (J. Rodríguez-Gil)

YSC 5 Effects of in vivo inhibition of PTGS2/ COX2 on the early canine corpus luteum

(CL) transcriptome profile (M. Tavares Pereira)

YSC 6 Relationship between DNA fragmentation dynamics of stallion sperm and

vitrification success (C. Consuegra)

YSC 7 Glutathione and seminal plasma supplemented prior cryopreservation increase

viable ram spermatozoa population with non- hyperactivated motility (M. Nikolovski)

YSC 8 Comparison between donkey sperm vitrification and conventional freezing

using non- permeable cryoprotectants (M. Diaz-Jimenez)

YSC 9 Chromosome synapsis and recombination in rams heterozygous for

Robertsonian translocation distinguishing the domestic sheep Ovis aries and the

argali Ovis ammon (T. Bikchurina)

YSC 10 Seasonal- related ros level and sperm quality in unfrozen and frozen stallion

semen (B. Mislei)


12.00-12.15 Sponsor session


12.15-13.15 Oral communications II (4x4 OC’s)


Oral communications session 1 (andrology)

1.1: Activation and course of apoptosis in cat spermatozoa isolated from testis,

epididymis and vas deferens (R. Faundez et al. - Poland)

1.2: Canine sperm cells express aquaporin-8, but not aquaporin-2 (C. Santiago et al. -


1.3: Impact of oral clomiphene citrate administration on prostatic volume and

plasmatic testosterone concentrations in male beagles (S. Egyptien et al. - Belgium)

1.4: Modulating effects of drone milk on male rabbit reproductive structures in vitro

(E. Tvrdá et al. - Slovakia)


Oral communications session 2 (behaviour)

2.1: The impact of fostering strategies on the growth performance of piglets from

large litters (R. Muns et al. - UK)

2.2: Characteristics of the oestrous cycle, pregnancy and anestrus of red deer (Cervus

elaphus) assessed by progesterone and 17beta- estradiol profiles in blood and feces

(A. Korzekwa et al. - Poland)

2.3: Reproductive behaviour and variations in harem size as affected by the age

synthesis of an isolated red deer (Cervus elaphus) population (G. Vatzias et al. -


2.4: Possible link between equine oviduct glycoprotein expression and angiogenic

players (P. Bravo et al. - Portugal)


Oral communications session 3 (behavior / obstetrics)

3.1: The thermographic imaging of pregnant mares during late- gestation (M. Masko

et al. - Poland)

3.2: The impact of twinning and stillbirths on reproductive and economic

performance in dairy cattle herds (L. Ózsvári et al. – Hungary)

3.3: An E- learning teaching module supports active learning and improves

preparation for a practical obstetrical training (H. Jonker et al. – The Netherlands)

3.4: Determination of the time of calving in Holstein- Friesian and Simmental cows by

using a novel intravaginal temperature recording smart device (O. Calisici et al. –



Oral communications session 4 (embryo transfer / endocrinology)

4.1: Comparison of developmental potential in vitro of embryos from different inbred

mouse strains (A. Niwinska et al. - Poland)

4.2: Thyroid profiles during the prepartum period are associated with the postpartum

reproductive capacity of primiparous dairy cows (O. Mityashova et al. – Russian


4.3: Inducibility of type-I Interferon receptor subunits in the bovine endometrium (S.

Schabmeyer et al. - Germany)

4.4: Hormonal regulation of binding characteristics of growth hormone receptors in

the granulosa layer of chicken preovulatory follicles (I. Lebedeva et al. – Russian



13.15-14.15 Lunch Break


13.45-14.15 Meeting of the ESDAR Country Representatives


14.15-15.45 Poster session I (Pst 1-11; P1-P89)


15.45-16.15 Coffee Break


16.15-17.45 Parallel workshops 1-4

WS1: Moderator: Elena Nikitkina (Russia)

Reproduction in Reindeer

- Assessment of oxidative phosphorylation in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) semen –

a pilot study (E. Nikitkina et al.)

- Early embryonic development in the semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer

tarandus) (H. Lindeberg et al.)

- Rangifer males’ mating strategies (Ø. Holand)

WS2: Moderator: Christoph Gabler (Germany)

The potential effect of the microbiome on reproduction

- The role of commensal bacteria within the bovine reproductive tract on

reproductive events (Ch. Gabler et al.)

- The role of pathogenic bacteria within the bovine uterus on reproductive events

(K. Wagener et al.)

WS3: Moderator: Alex Grahofer (Switzerland)

Swine Reproduction

- Detection and evaluation of puerperal disorders in sows after farrowing (A.

Grahofer et al.)

- Heat detection and insemination of sows with previous puerperal disorders (S.

Björkman et al.)

WS4: Moderator: John Mee (Ireland)

Preparturient calving management – a bovine brainstorming workshop

- Preparturient calving management –how can we reduce parturient problems? (JF


- Recent research on prediction of time of calving in dairy cows (O. Szenci et al.)

- State of the art 2019 in calving management? –A recent expert survey (C. Fischer-



19.00 Gala dinner in Russian Restaurant Podvorye, Pushkin




Saturday 21st September 2019


08.45-10.05 Plenary session 2

08.45-09.25 Keynote lecture 3: Sperm mitochondrial regulation in motility and fertility in horses

Stuart Myers (USA)

09.25-10.05 Keynote lecture 4: The complex relationship between welfare and reproduction in


  1. v. Keyserlingk (Canada)


10.05-10.35 Coffee break


10.35-11.15 Plenary session 3

Keynote lecture 5: Air-liquid Interface cell culture: from airway epithelium to the

female reproductive tract

Jennifer Schön (Germany)


11.15-12.00 ESDAR Annual business meeting


12.00-13.00 Oral communications III (4x4 OC’s)

Oral communications session 5 (gynecology)

5.1: The description of histological features of endometrium in Hartmann's mountain

zebra (D. Domanska et al. -Poland)

5.2: Preliminary insights on the regional distribution of bacterial communities along

the bovine reproductive tract (L. Lietaer et al. - Belgium)

5.3: Effect of flushing in the bacterial load of mare's uterus, comparison between

sterile or ozonated saline solution (ME Falomo et al. – Italy)

5.4: Incidence and risk factors for purulent vaginal discharge in Irish grazing dairy

cows (E. Kelly et al. - Ireland)


Oral communications session 6 (nutrition / miscellaneous)

6.1: Supporting sustainable dairy cow fertility in Ireland (E. Lane et al. – Ireland)

6.2: Commencement of luteal activity in dairy cows is associated with breed and fatty

acid profiles in milk (T. Ntallaris et al. - Sweden)

6.3: Transcriptomic profile of circulating leukocytes in early lactation support a role

for bovine leukocyte antigen- 1 (BOLA) in the subsequent time to conception in

Holstein dairy cows (DC Wathes et al. – UK)

6.4: Comparative analysis of proliferation and differentiation of porcine

mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow, myometrium and subcutaneous fat (MB

Olszewski et al. - Poland)


Oral communications session 7 (miscellaneous)

7.1: Gene and protein expression of the nerve growth factor and its cognate receptor

in the ovary of a grey squirrel population (Sciurus carolinensis) in central Italy during

the annual reproductive cycle (M. Maranesi et al. - Italy)

7.2: Pregnancy risk in Norwegian beef cattle related to time of insemination from

beginning of estrus (C. Haadem et al. – Norway)

7.3: Functional alterations of hypoxia- inducible factor 1α result in reduced

maturation of cumulus- oocyte complexes in cattle (A. Turhan et al. – Switzerland)

7.4: Effect of highly dispersed silica nanoparticles on the mitochondrial activity in

devitrified bovine oocytes (T. Kuzmina et al. – Russian Federation)


Oral communications session 8 (spermatology)

8.1: Expression of proAKAP4 in dog semen as promising marker of sperm quality (D.

Le Couazer et al. - France)

8.2: Comparison of different concentrations of lectin- magnetic nanoparticles for

purification of donkey frozen- thawed sperm (M. Hidalgo et al. – Spain)

8.3: Genome wide association studies of semen cryoability in cocks (Gallus gallus) (A.

Kudinov et al. – Russian Federation)

8.4: Effects of different holding times at room temperature on boar sperm quality for

5°C antibiotic- free semen storage (H. Jäkel et al. – Germany)


13.00-14.00 Lunch Break


14.00-15.30 Poster session II (P90-P189)


15.30-15.45 Coffee Break


15.45-17.15 Parallel workshops 5-7

WS5: Moderator: Barbara Knutti (Switzerland)

Ovum pick-up for practitioners

- Chances and challenges of OPU and IVEP for practitioners (B. Knutti et al.)

- Bovine in vitro production (IVP) and ovum pick up (OPU) (P. May)

- In vitro production of equine embryos: the devil is in the detail (K. Smits et al.)

WS6: Moderator: Marina Kholodova (Russian Federation)

Wild animals and bird reproduction

- Using of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) for breeding bears (URSIDAE)

at the Limpopo Zoo in Nizhny Novgorod (A. Malev et al.)

- Reproduction of the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) male –basic and applied

aspects (S. Nagy et al.)

WS7: Moderator: John Kastelic (Canada)

How to write and publish scientific papers

- Scientific writing – what to focus on? (J. Kastelic et al.)

17:15-17:30 Awards and Closure of ESDAR