European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR)

Scientific committee (alphabetical order)


Renée Båge

Department of Clinical Sciences, Division of Reproduction

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden


Associate professor and senior lecturer in animal reproduction at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. PhD thesis "On repeat breeding in dairy heifers: with special focus on follicular dynamics, ovulation, and oocyte quality. Diplomate of the European College of Animal Reproduction. Supervises several PhD students in Sweden and in low-income countries. Conducts continuing education for veterinarians and artificial insemination and embryo transfer technicians. Area of expertise: ruminant, female reproductive physiology, reproductive biotechnologies and reproductive herd health for sustainable livestock production.


Stefan Björkman

University of Helsinki, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Department of Production Animal Medicine

Paroninkuja 20

04920, Saarentaus


Email: stefan.bjorkman(at)

Osvaldo Bogado

University of Ghent, Department of Internal Medicine, Reproduction and Population Medicine

Salisburylaan 133

B-9820, Merelbeke


Email: osvaldo.bogado(at)

Jean-François Bruyas

Unit of Pathology and Biotechnologies of Animal Reproduction

National Veterinary College of Veterinary Medicine, Nantes, France


Francisco Crespo

Equine Breeding Center of the Spanish Army

Avila, Spain


Head of the Veterinary Services of the Equine Reproduction Centre of the Spanish Army in Avila, Spain. Assistantprofessor of the Veterinary Faculty at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, for the subject Medicine and animal surgery. He is also involved in the Official Master Veterinary science research at the Veterinary Faculties of Madrid and Córdoba. His research area is mainly focused in equine reproduction: assessment of stallion’s fertility, semen preservation, sperm DNA fragmentation assessment, ultrasonography of the genital tract of the mare and stallion and artificial insemination. He has several publications in scientific Journals and Proceedings and he is partipating in different research projects and networking.


Francisco Crespo


Mark Crowe

UCD School of Veterinary Medicine,
University College Dublin, Ireland


Mark Crowe, is Professor of Animal Husbandry and Reproduction in the School of Veterinary Medicine in UCD, where he teaches reproductive biology to undergraduate veterinary students. He is currently head of Herd Health and Animal Husbandry at the UCD School of Veterinary Medicine.

He served as director of research and deputy head of School from 2008-2011. He was President of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (2011 to 2017). His research is in the areas of reproductive biology and stress physiology in cattle, sheep and horses. He has authored or co-authored in excess of 140 full peer reviewed original research papers.



Jesús Dorado

Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cordoba, Spain



Currently, he is Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Cordoba, and he is also Head of the Veterinary Services of Small Animal Reproduction of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Córdoba and Registrar of the Veterinary Faculty.

His research career has been mainly focused on spermatology of different species. However, he has recently started a new research line in equine embryos, in which techniques of vitrification of gametes and embryos have been developed. As a result, he has authored numerous scientific papers and meeting-abstracts published in indexed journals (JCR). In addition, he has been acted as external reviewer of numerous scientific journals and congresses.


Jesus Dorado

Toni Dovenski

Institute of Reproduction and Biomedicine,

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, North Macedonia


Professor in Animal Reproduction, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, North Macedonia. Vice Dean for Finance, at the FVMS and Chairperson of Doctoral studies. Main focuses of research are: Herd health and production management in dairy farming, Reproductive biotechnology, Animal reproduction, Reproductive disorders (infertility in farm animals). Ultrasonography of reproductive organs, Laparoscopy in sheep and goats. He has more than 200 publications in scientific Journals and Proceedings and participated in national and international research projects and networking.


Graça M.L. Ferreira-Dias

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

University of Lisbon, Portugal


Full Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Lisbon, Portugal. She got her PhD in Physiology, at the Southern Illinois University (SIU), School of Medicine, USA. Master´s of Science degree in Animal Science at SIU and a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) at the former University of Lisbon. She teaches Physiology and her research is mainly on mare reproductive physiology and pathophysiology. Her research is focused on the physiology of the equine corpus luteum, oviduct, and endometrium. Recently, she has pursued her investigation on the role of cytokines, neutrophil extracellualr traps (NETs) and epigenetics on endometrosis.


Foto Graça Ferreira Dias

Alexander Grahofer

Swine Clinic Bern, Vetsuisse University


Senior Assistant at the Swine Clinic Bern, Vetsuisse University. His research focuses on pig reproduction, especially on parturition and the peripartal period of sows to improve animal health and welfare. He is a Diplomate of the European College of Porcine Health Management (ECPHM) and a Resident of the European College of Animal Reproduction (ECAR,Subspecialisation in porcine reproduction).


Manuel Hidalgo

Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cordoba, Spain



He is associate professor at the Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery of the University of Cordoba, Spain, Head of the large animal reproductive services of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital and Vice-Dean for International Relations and Students at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Cordoba. He has published and reviewed numerous scientific papers and meeting-abstracts in indexed journals (JCR) and cooperates in national international research projects supervising several PhD students. His scientific career is currently focused the optimization of techniques for equine sperm, oocyte and embryo vitrification and nanotechnology.

Foto 1

Gaby Hirsbrunner

Ruminant Clinic

Vetsuisse Faculty, Bern, Switzerland


Responsible for cattle reproduction and obstetrics at the Ruminant Clinic, Vetsuisse Faculty of Berne, Switzerland; has worked in farm animal practice for several years before initiating her academic career. PhD 2001 (New aspects on motility of the bovine uterus), habilitation 2008 (Bovine and equine uterine motility in vivo and ex vivo; a step forward in fathoming a mystery), associate professor since 2016. Diplomate of ECAR and ECBHM. ESDAR member from the beginning; country representative for Switzerland, program secretary since 2018.mArea of research: cattle, endometritis, uterine motility, obstetrics, clinically based research projects


Primoz Klinc

Veterinary Faculty

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


Assistant professor for Reproduction of domestic animals and obstetrics and for Elective reproduction in Veterinary Faculty of the University of Ljubljana. He graduated on the University of Ljubljana, became Master of Science and finished his PhD in Hannover, Germany with the thesis entitled Improved Fertility of Flowcytometrically Sex Selected Bull Spermatozoa. He is diplomate of the European College of Animal Reproduction and secretary of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction. He is the founder of the gen preservation program in different autochthonic animal species in Slovenia. He is specialised in Clinical work on equine and canine reproduction and has published around 60 papers.



Klinc Esdar Slika

Barbara Knutti

Practice KLC, Switzerland


Barbara Knutti

Geert Opsomer

Department of Reproduction, Obstetrics and Herd Health

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine , Gent University, Belgium


He is associate professor of bovine herd health at the Veterinary Faculty of the Gent University and is heading the ambulatory clinic. Graduated at the Gent University (Gent, Belgium). He obtained a masters degree (Ms) in animal production and defended his PhD entitled: 'Postpartum anoestrus in high yielding dairy cows: a field studyHis main interest was fertility and herd health control in high yielding dairy herds. Diplomate of the European College of Animal Reproduction (ECAR), and diplomate of the European College of Bovine Health Medicine (ECBHM). Besides educating undergraduate and graduate students, he is currently supervising multiple PhD students researching a variety of aspects of bovine herd health and reproduction. He is the President of ESDAR.

Geert Opsomer

Judith Roelofs

Department of Animal Husbandry

HAS University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands


Carlo Tamanini

Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences,

Bologna University, Italy


Full Professor. Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences, Bologna University, Italy. Member of ECAR and the Executive Committee of EAEVE. Director of the Institute of Veterinary Physiology at Bari University, the Institute of Veterinary Physiology at Parma University, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Parma University, Head of the Department of Veterinary Morphophysiology and Animal Production at Bologna University. Research area: Endocrinology in domestic animals. He is co-author of more than 116 articles published in highly impacted scientific Journals.


Carlo Tamanini

Andres Valdmann

Animal Breeding and Biotechnology

Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Tartu, Estonia



Uwi Swissgenetics Ri 155

Ulrich Witschi




Graduation at the University of Bern in Veterinary Medicine, experience in food animal practice, Head of the department Production (bull housing, semen processing, embryotransfer) and vice director at Swissgenetics, lecturer for Bovine Reproduction at ETH, Zurich.